
Caroline brings DIO official to Gosport

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage last week welcomed an official from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation to the constituency to discuss the future of local military sites. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is responsible for providing the infrastructure to meet defence needs; this inclu

Caroline calls for Maths Funding

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage today called for more action to ensure that Sixth Form Colleges are equipped to provide high quality maths education during questions to the Department for Education. Earlier this year, the Government introduced the Golden Hello scheme for new graduate maths teachers to

Caroline slams £1.7bn EU shakedown

Local MP Caroline Dinenage reacted angrily to news that the European Union is demanding extra cash from Britain following recent economic growth.

Caroline welcomes Broadband Grants for Businesses

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage has welcomed the news that grants of up to £3,000 for superfast broadband are now available for businesses in Gosport. Gosport Borough Council has joined forces with Portsmouth City Council on its £4.7 million 'Super Connected Cities scheme' to enable Gosport based busi

Caroline calls for better access to GP appointments

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage today stood up for local people who are facing lengthy waits for appointments with their doctors during questions to the Secretary of State for Health. Whilst the Government has expressed its commitment to boosting access to GPs by extending opening hours and making GP

Caroline presses Government on future of HMS Sultan

Local MP Caroline Dinenage today pushed the Government to commit to the continued presence of HMS Sultan in Gosport in the run up to the next Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR).

Caroline backs Older Persons Month

Local MP Caroline Dinenage is urging older people in Gosport to take advantage of activities scheduled throughout the Borough to mark Older Persons Month. During the month of October, Gosport Borough Council is leading the Older Persons Month initiative to encourage older people to get involved in

Caroline calls for Westminster Debate on Stokesmead

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage today raised the issue of the Stokesmead site in the House of Commons; calling for a debate on companies hoarding land that they won't sell off but can't get permission to develop.

Caroline demands English Votes for English Laws

Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage yesterday slammed Labour party plans to deny English people the same rights as those enjoyed by Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish voters.