
MP supports Earth Hour

Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has added their voice for Earth Hour, the world’s largest annual event to protect the planet, and joined a movement to safeguard nature and set it on the path to recovery.  Caroline made a pledge for the environment in Parliament this week, ahead of the global ligh

MP says “Help Control Unhealthy Ads”

“Like most mums I’m alarmed to see the number of unhealthy food advertisements that tempt and tantalise my children with a damaging idea of what constitutes a healthy diet”.

Caroline welcomes post-16 Qualifications Review

Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has welcomed the launch of the first stage consultation on the post-16 review of qualifications at level 3 and below in England. The Department for Education are currently seeking views on the principles that should guide their review of post-16 qualifications at level

Brexit Statement

After a frustrating week in Parliament I want to recap on events and set out my position regarding recent Brexit developments. This week I voted for the Withdrawal Agreement with the additional safeguards regarding the Northern Ireland backstop.

Caroline Seeks NHS Heroes

Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, is urging local people to recommend NHS staff who they feel have gone above and beyond the call of duty for prestigious NHS awards. The NHS Parliamentary Awards were created to celebrate NHS staff, carers and volunteers - their hard work, innovative ideas and unwavering

Caroline Welcomes Spring Statement

“During a very difficult week, it has been great to hear that the economy remains robust and the positive action that the Government is taking to tackle our most fundamental issues.” Caroline Dinenage MP.

My Views on the Brexit Votes

Now that the negotiations into the Northern Ireland backstop have been completed I want to set out my thoughts on this week's crucial Parliamentary votes. These votes will determine if we leave the EU with a deal, without a deal or if the Government is instructed to extend Article 50 beyond 29th Ma