
MPs press Minister on Portsmouth port

Gosport MP, Caroline Dinenage, alongside MP's from across South Hampshire met with Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport, to discuss recent concerns surrounding Portsmouth Port in the event of a No-Deal Brexit. Concerns were raised earlier this month, at a meeting of the Local Resilience

Withdrawal Agreement and Vote of No Confidence

Last night I voted in favour of the Government's EU Withdrawal Agreement. Though uncomfortable with some aspects, I felt that it largely delivered the Brexit that the majority of my constituents voted for, while avoiding the cliff edge of No Deal and all its inherent uncertainty.

Caroline commends Clean Air Strategy

“Clean air is vital and it’s deeply concerning that our local area has been identified as being at risk of dangerous pollution levels. The steps in the Clean Air Strategy will help address the issues of air quality around Gosport and Fareham.” Caroline Dinenage MP.

Caroline Dinenage stages cyber safety event

"The online world is rapidly changing so being able to keep up to date with your children's use of technology can be a challenge." Caroline Dinenage Caroline Dinenage MP, is hosting the first Cyber Safety event in the Gosport Constituency to help members of the public to be confident with digital p

Caroline Dinenage celebrates increase in school attainment

Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has praised the 2018 Key Stage 2 results for primary schools across Gosport. Figures released by the Department of Education show that 13 Primary Schools in the Gosport Constituency have seen an increase from last year in the proportion of pupils achieving the expected