
Caroline Dinenage MP celebrates local charity's 200th Birthday in Parliament

Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, joined international maritime charity Sailors' Society to mark its 200 years of supporting seafarers and their families around the world at a reception held in Parliament yesterday. "90 per cent of everything we use on a daily basis comes by sea, and the seafarers who t

Caroline backs Commons Charity Challenge

"We all have a duty to help support our veterans which is why I am taking part in recreating the iconic Lords Vs Commons Pigeon Race to support Combat Stress" Caroline Dinenage MP Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, will be sponsoring a bird in the Lords Vs Commons Pigeon Race on the 13th June to help rai

Following in the footsteps of the Suffragettes

To mark the hundred year anniversary of British women gaining the right to vote the PROCESSIONS project is celebrating the centenary. On June 10th, in Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London, women and girls across the UK are invited to come and mark the historic moment, to follow in the footsteps o

Caroline to host Dementia Friends Training

As part of Dementia Action Week, Gosport MP Caroline Dinenage will host an Alzheimer's Society 'Dementia Friends' session in her constituency office. The event, on 25th May from 3.30-4.30pm is free and open to the public who can sign up to become 'Dementia Friends' as part of a nationwide initiativ

MP helps secure future of Sea Cadets

"The Gosport Sea Cadets are a prized part of our town's maritime connection and with this much needed funding boost they can play a big part in our future" Caroline Dinenage MP Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has today welcomed news that the Gosport Sea Cadets have had funding confirmed for their new

'Plastic free Parliament in sight' says MP

"As the nation's representatives we should be leading from the front in tackling plastic pollution and today's news means we are doing just that" Caroline Dinenage MP Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has today welcomed news that Parliament will significantly reduce its plastic footprint over the next t

Leave a legacy for Suffrage Centenary says MP

"There can be no better legacy of the Centenary of Women's Votes than inspiring a whole new generation of young people" Caroline Dinenage MP Local MP, Caroline Dinenage, has today encouraged local groups to take advantage of Government grants to mark the centenary of women gaining the vote. The Go