
If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to work with the Prime Minister to ensure we get the best outcome from Brexit. I was a vocal campaigner for voters to have the right to decide on what form our future relationship with Europe should take, backing the vote calling for a referendum on our mem

If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to present overly sized cheques! I believe that voluntary organisations are the backbone of Gosport's community.

If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to promote our areas incredible heritage. Gosport is ranked an impressive 7th in England by the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts' Heritage Index, which sets out to measure the strength of heritage at a local level across the UK.

If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to bring investment to the Daedalus Enteprise Zone. I have worked tirelessly to fulfil my election pledge to secure the best future for the Daedalus site.

If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to represent local people. After the Scottish Referendum in 2014, it was clear that action needed to be taken to prevent Scottish MPs from voting on English-only issues.

If re-elected on 8th June...

If re-elected on 8th June I will continue to support our emergency services. Locally, Gosport Police have moved into Town Hall and I believe this is genuinely a positive step from the point of view of local people.

Manchester Terror Attack

In light of the unspeakably horrific terrorist attack which took place in Manchester last night, all campaigning for the General Election across the country has rightly been suspended. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their loved ones and the people of Manchester at this terrible time.