
PM Makes Global Climate Change Commitments

The UK has confirmed it is doubling its commitment to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) to support international efforts to tackle climate change. The Green Climate Fund (GCF) supports projects across the world to reduce carbon emissions, protect and preserve natural environments and help those who are

Caroline Welcomes Cash Boost for Constituency Schools

The Government has announced that a record £14 billion will be given to schools across England. Every secondary school in Gosport will receive a minimum of £5 000 per pupil next year and every primary school will get a minimum of £4 000 per pupil from 2021-22.

Portsmouth Port Granted Brexit Preparation Funding

Today the Government has announced a £30 million funding pledge to ports in preparation for the UK leaving the European Union. Some funding has been ringfenced for Portsmouth Port and for a Hampshire Local Resilience Forum to build the necessary infrastructure to minimise any potential disruption a

Prorogation Statement

Yesterday the Prime Minister formally requested the Queen prorogue Parliament in order to start a new Parliamentary session on the 14th October. As background, it might be useful to know that Parliamentary sessions usually last around a year, but for various reasons (not least the months of stalema

Cash Boost for Palliative Care and Hospices Announced

This week the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson MP, has announced a £25 million cash boost for hospices and palliative care services. Around 200 000 people are currently supported with end of life care through services across England, many of which are funded by the voluntary sector.

Further Funding For Mental Health Services

Today it has been announced £3.3 million, including £484 000 for the South East, will be given to 23 local mental health projects across England.  Statistics reveal that approximately 10 per cent of 5 to 16-year-olds have a clinically diagnosable mental health problem and 75 per cent of mental

Caroline Encourages EU Constituents to Sign Up For Settled Status

Deal or No Deal, EEA and Swiss citizens have until at least the 31st December 2020 to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme.  Just a few months after the Scheme opened, over 1 million EEA and Swiss citizens and their families have already been granted status across the country.

Caroline's Crime and Policing Event

“Crime is always a hot topic in the Gosport Constituency - but even more so lately.  I hope that this event will offer my constituents the opportunity to engage with the many organisations involved in keeping us all safe.” Caroline Dinenage